Col. Sanders Repository of Infinite Inquiry

"Blog" of Steven M. Sanders. The old template presented us with too many formatting problems. Let us see if this one gets things on the right footing. Go back to the root url ( ) to see the hawt aht. I remain, your most humble, etc etc.

Location: Kansas City, MO

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Flea Furs

So, you know the traditional fur lining around the neck of coats? Apparently that was originally a "flea fur", a fur worn about the neck in the hopes that fleas would bite the fur rather than the human.

Because people rarely bathed or washed their clothes or bedsheets.

That is also strongly nasty.


Blogger Gail Callicott said...

Sir, I would very much like to know where you got your information from.
Myself, and several others from a Reniassance Historical Group, have been debating this very topic and are searching for documentation. Can you help us?

6:06 PM  

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