Col. Sanders Repository of Infinite Inquiry

"Blog" of Steven M. Sanders. The old template presented us with too many formatting problems. Let us see if this one gets things on the right footing. Go back to the root url ( ) to see the hawt aht. I remain, your most humble, etc etc.

Location: Kansas City, MO

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Why I oftentimes strongly dislike working at the library:

Me: "(standard greeting giving name of library and offer to help patron)"

Lady on phone: "You got that Bill Clinton book?"

Me: "...." "Can you be more specific? What Bill Clinton book?"

LoP:"That one about Bill Clinton."

Me: (figuring she probably means the autobiography that's coming out, but, by God, I shouldn't have to prod people like they're toddlers )"You mean the one he wrote?"

LoP: "Yeah."

Me: "Okay".


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