Col. Sanders Repository of Infinite Inquiry

"Blog" of Steven M. Sanders. The old template presented us with too many formatting problems. Let us see if this one gets things on the right footing. Go back to the root url ( ) to see the hawt aht. I remain, your most humble, etc etc.

Location: Kansas City, MO

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

How I work: 1000 Shining Monkey-fist Technique

Here we go. I start out with a thumbnail drawing.

(note: Most of these scans except the final one I was lazy with and didn't clean up the scan joins, so thats what the dark band is on some of them)

Click on the images to get high res.

This is where I get everything laid out, in visual shorthand. I've had a bad habit in the past of just doing one thumbnail and calling it good. But now I try and do several until I get it properly tweaked. This was the final one.

Then I draw everything out in non-photo blue pencil, on Blue-Line paper. This helps keep the final pencils clean, as I dont have ten zillion light pencil marks on there from me zeroing in on the drawing.

Then I do a line drawing, establishing the lines, and leaving the tones alone for now. This scan is missing a frame or two, as my computer crashed because I was playing a NeoGeo emulator, and I didnt save the scan, and I had already moved on to the next step with that frame.

Then I lay the tones and textures in.

Then I scan it into Photoshop, convert to CMYK, rip out everything but magenta, fiddle with the Levels, and drop greyscale or color shading into a background layer.

And here is the script for that page, from the lovely and talented Mr. Fraction


17.1 SAME.
CLOSE on the face of MIGOU—the YETI to you and me—as he pauses and sniffs the air with concern.


17.2 SAME.
BIG PANEL-- YETI rears up on his back legs, spreads its arms out as wide as they can go, and HOWLS at the party. EDISON, in the foreground shoves JAMES forward hard towards the screaming beast.


17.3 SAME.
YETI attacks JAMES, rendering him limb from limb in a bloody explosion. EDISON readies with the machine…


17.4 SAME.
CLOSE on the YETI, his mouth and fur covered and matted with blood and viscera as he looks AT CAMERA, a “Huh?” sort of look on his YETI face…


17.5 SAME.
LONG PANEL across the page: EDISON yanks a ripcord kind of thing, and from the barrels of the gun—which are all pointed AT CAMERA—two dozen DARTS fly out at once.


17.6 SAME.
SAME SIZE as 17.6; REVERSE ANGLE as all those poisoned darts smash into the bloodcaked YETI.


The end. Lemme know if you have questions.


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