Col. Sanders Repository of Infinite Inquiry

"Blog" of Steven M. Sanders. The old template presented us with too many formatting problems. Let us see if this one gets things on the right footing. Go back to the root url ( ) to see the hawt aht. I remain, your most humble, etc etc.

Location: Kansas City, MO

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

me: Phil Collins is made of pure Awesome.
Shena: it's true
but I should probably listen to something else at some point
me: he has a large discography. Later stuff not so great, tho.
I shouldn't judge Disney.
Shena: yeah
it's Disney
it's kind of its own thing
and it has made him a shit-ton of money
me: Which is more comforting than any hipster acclaim.
Sent at 11:18 AM on Tuesday
Shena: I think it probably got him an Oscar, too
surely one of those damn songs won...
me: Did he make a song about magical retarded or black people? Thats always oscar gold.
(pardon my rude language choices)
Shena: he actually won for Tarzan
could be argued...
me: thats kind of both
Shena: yeah.
Sent at 11:22 AM on Tuesday


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