Col. Sanders Repository of Infinite Inquiry

"Blog" of Steven M. Sanders. The old template presented us with too many formatting problems. Let us see if this one gets things on the right footing. Go back to the root url ( ) to see the hawt aht. I remain, your most humble, etc etc.

Location: Kansas City, MO

Friday, June 11, 2004

Immortal - Pure Holocaust

Best music review evar.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

5FoS: The selection for the Yeti has begun. Which one of these lovely ladies will take the prize?

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


In space.

Capitol Hill Blue: Bush's Erratic Behavior Worries White House Aides

Not sure how reputable this is, but it's interesting.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Virent shows off its hydrogen-fuel plans

Looks like a start-up has figured out how to make a hydrogen engine that gets its hydrogen from breaking down sugar.

It'll be nice if it works and makes it to market. I'm not going to hold my breath, but still.

I <3 J-Kwon.

I have about ten zillion projects going on at any given time, and currently most of them are being neglected. Among other things, I was working on a cover art portfolio for Marvel. Here is a cover with Wolverine. Unfinished. Was going for sort of a "Wolverine as Marlboro Man" thing.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Sarah Science Saves Breakfast

My comic work is caught up, so I'm working on childrens illustration stuff so maybe I can make some extra scratch.

I have now become king of all dorks. I'm collecting Doctor Who stuff to the point where I'm getting a "Dalek Attack" video game from 1992. For the Amiga. I anticipate collecting Tom Bakers fingernail clippings soon.