Col. Sanders Repository of Infinite Inquiry

"Blog" of Steven M. Sanders. The old template presented us with too many formatting problems. Let us see if this one gets things on the right footing. Go back to the root url ( ) to see the hawt aht. I remain, your most humble, etc etc.

Location: Kansas City, MO

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I started fiddling around with a new (for me at least) illustration method a few months ago, and two pieces that use this method are going to be shown as part of a larger show at the Green Door gallery in May.

The method is just me taking a sketch, coloring it in Photoshop, dropping the sketch to where it just barely shows up, printing it large format (~ 11x17) on uncoated watercolor paper, and then inking by hand over it. I'm essentially using the printer as an ultra-accurate watercolor/gouache brush.

I like it because the wicking effect of the uncoated watercolor paper on the ink gives a subtle effect that I cant duplicate in Photoshop by, say, a slight blur filter and a overlay of watercolor texture. Also, I get "originals" now. It's nice to have art to hold again. But as a side effect of the process, these are "originals" that I can make more of easily. I thought that initially they would be considered prints, but Dawn says they would be considered Mixed Media pieces. I'm not sure what I'm going to price them at, I guess about 1/2 way between a print and an original. Probably $75. (Gallery price will be higher to reflect their commission.) I'll get a pic up of the other one when I finish it up. If anyone's interested in one of these, drop me a line. stevensanders at gmail dot com.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ahoy Hoi!

Dear Internets, I am sorry for not posting anything lately. Here is something I have been working on lately for Turner Classic Movies.

Or go here to go straight to the comic.

Or go straight to the high rez PDF of it.

What else is going on? Uh... I'm did some work for MK12, a Mad Scientist Card Game for Atlas Games, and am starting on the first comic made specifically for cell phones, a "dieselpunk" comic called THUNDER ROAD, written by Sean Demory. Should be out in July, debuting at the San Diego Con.

Tony Moore got me on a MC Chris kick. Esp. for the "I got a one-hitter named Margo Kidder and I only need to hit that shit once" line in the song "Wiid". For some reason reffing Margo Kidder in a nerd-core song about weed just tickles me.

I'm currently dressing like Perry White. Got a new drafting table. Frost pulped most of the new growth on all the plants in the yard. No wisteria flowers this year. Got a 24" monitor that can be flipped around into portrait mode, which is totally sweet for working on comics with. Our back door neighbors have giant barking dogs that do 3 things: Bark insanely at everything all the time, make their backyard (and ours when the wind blows in a southerly direction) smell like dog shit, and have defoliated their backyard, making their owners put down hay everywhere. We have the best view of the classiest backyard in the entire block. On the other hand, it makes me feel better about when I let all the berry bushes in our backyard get a little unruly.

Dawn went to see the Decemberists with Laurenn, and had a great time, which makes me happy. I'm bad about going to concerts.

We are nearly finished fixing up our kitchen. Got the old, nasty linoleum pulled up, and the original hardwood floor refinished. There were lots of gaps in the wood from old water damage, but even with that, it still looks better than that linoleum. Finally got crown molding and the baseboards installed. Just have to paint them now and do some touch up work to make the floating cabinets look like they are permanently installed and we'll be in business. Photos here.

I think that's it. I'll try and post more often. I'll probably try and fail, but hey.