Col. Sanders Repository of Infinite Inquiry
"Blog" of Steven M. Sanders. The old template presented us with too many formatting problems. Let us see if this one gets things on the right footing. Go back to the root url ( ) to see the hawt aht. I remain, your most humble, etc etc.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Is it just me or has Achewood been.. not so funny.. since the strip where Ray got high?
The comics tend to run weird, but they are usually funny weird, or "ha ha, that's uncomfortable" funny. Lately they've just been non-sequitur weird, and not that funny. Meriting maybe a little, internal, "heh", mostly because I have no idea what the fuck he is trying to do. It may just be going over my head though.
Is it just me or has Achewood been.. not so funny.. since the strip where Ray got high?
The comics tend to run weird, but they are usually funny weird, or "ha ha, that's uncomfortable" funny. Lately they've just been non-sequitur weird, and not that funny. Meriting maybe a little, internal, "heh", mostly because I have no idea what the fuck he is trying to do. It may just be going over my head though.
Monday, February 28, 2005
Novelty p0wn3d
I've been thinking a lot lately about how there is this constant pressure for novelty in certain segments of our population, to the point where something's value tends to run in direct proportion to how obscure it is. If, through some happenstance, this obscure art/product/whatever becomes popular, it is rapidly discarded as "played out", and is no longer considered to have any real value, in spite of the fact that the object of appreciation/now scorn hasn't changed at all.
It's like a lot of us are these gaping maws of boredom, that demand an unceasing flow of new crap. Art is no good unless it's novel and "edgy", pop music sucks because it's common and a well worn path. (unless its done by an obscure band, then its praised as being "pop perfect") Why does novelty have to be the hallmark of excellence? Why do we have to be in a constant state of having everything be new new new? The Egyptians managed to keep the same art for 1000+ years. Why do we need something new every two days? Are we that bored? Are we all that much of a slave to neuron saturation? Or is this all just a big game, and if it wasnt for the social aspect of getting to be the first on your block to have the new toy, and brag about/"share" it with all your friends, it wouldn't be an issue at all.
So, in the spirit of that. I am done with novelty.
It's played out.
Attention hipsters: I WIN.
I've been thinking a lot lately about how there is this constant pressure for novelty in certain segments of our population, to the point where something's value tends to run in direct proportion to how obscure it is. If, through some happenstance, this obscure art/product/whatever becomes popular, it is rapidly discarded as "played out", and is no longer considered to have any real value, in spite of the fact that the object of appreciation/now scorn hasn't changed at all.
It's like a lot of us are these gaping maws of boredom, that demand an unceasing flow of new crap. Art is no good unless it's novel and "edgy", pop music sucks because it's common and a well worn path. (unless its done by an obscure band, then its praised as being "pop perfect") Why does novelty have to be the hallmark of excellence? Why do we have to be in a constant state of having everything be new new new? The Egyptians managed to keep the same art for 1000+ years. Why do we need something new every two days? Are we that bored? Are we all that much of a slave to neuron saturation? Or is this all just a big game, and if it wasnt for the social aspect of getting to be the first on your block to have the new toy, and brag about/"share" it with all your friends, it wouldn't be an issue at all.
So, in the spirit of that. I am done with novelty.
It's played out.
Attention hipsters: I WIN.